"Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one"
Honours with Chelsea FC:
- FA Premier League: 2004/2005, 2005/2006
- League Cup: 2004/2005, 2006/2007
- FA Cup: 2007
- FA Community Shield: 2005
On 20th September 2007, José Mourinho relinquished ties with Russian oil tycoon Roman Abramovich, putting an end to his 3 years spell in Chelsea F.C. Mourinho left as the most successful manager in Chelsea's history, winning 6 trophies. He was also undefeated in all his league home games. A remarkable achievement in mere 3 years.
Life in Stamford Bridge has been pretty blue since the departure of their talismanic manager. Apart from all the actions on the pitch, there seemed to be something missing elsewhere in English Football. All the flurry and high-spirited actions along the touchline seemed to sink into a stalemate.
I am not a Chelsea fan. But as long time spuds of English football, we will certainly miss his presence. Though his charisma and wit will not be appreciated by all, they will definitely be a noteworthy addition to the history of football.
Yes, he is cocky and egotistic.
But you have to admit that he is cocksure good and a true-blue maestro of Chelsea F.C.
"If I wanted an easy job... I would have stayed at Porto - beautiful blue chair, UEFA Champions League trophy, God and, after God, me." - José Mourinho
19 October 2007
Tribute: José Mourinho
Posted by
Neo Wei Yi Clement
12 October 2007
过度自身地需求和欲望来满足自己,把财富与快乐联系在一起所致,是一种错误的态度。 往往因为社会的压力和周围人的影响,我们都不知不觉陷入“贪”的境界。
"Man is the root of all evil..."
Posted by
Neo Wei Yi Clement
04 October 2007
SoccerTalk 1
It's the world's most popular sports.
The most popular sports in 128 countries around the world.
22 men chasing a ball on a 120yd by 80yd pitch.
Yes. That is football.
And this is my very first post on football after 34 entries...
I will like to kick-off with this well known cliche:
"Football is a gentleman's game played by thugs while rugby is a thugs' game played by gentleman."
Certainly true.
Cos' the moment you step onto the pitch, you are in a battlefield.
And by all means, you are going to win it - unless of course kelong la! (Discuss more about kelong next time - too abstract.)
Off the pitch, we will not have any shortfall of actions and drama.
Cos' football is anything under the sun.
We have sex scandals, corruptions, racial discriminations, riots, dressing room brawls, match-fixing, football bettings and any other things you can imagine.
Filthy, dirty and ugly, yet beautiful.
It is the art of football...
The very first football match that i watched was the 1996 FA Cup final between Liverpool and Manchester United.
I remembered that match for my whole life!
Cos' after that match, i am a Liverpool fan!
Yes. "You'll never walk alone."
As of now i am a fan of Liverpool, Bayern Munich and Germany!
and i fancy Chelsea and Newcastle.
If you were to ask me which was the most memorable match that i had ever watched...
it's definitely this one in 1999...! Classic!
"Wa that's really the most cruel way to lose!
And the most Tai Ko way to win!
Sibei Buay Tahan la...nabei like that also can...他妈的!
You see Samuel Kuffour dua buay tahan until he kneel down and cry la...
Lothar Matthaus diam diam chui tak lan lo...
I will remember 1999 Champions League Final in Nou Camp forever!"
This is what soccer is all about...
Love it, hate it, swear and curse...
It's a wonder how much a simple ball can bring to our life...
"Let our feets do the talking!"
Posted by
Neo Wei Yi Clement
03 October 2007
10 is The Number!
This coming 31st December 2007 marks the cracking 10th Anniversary of our friendship!
Quick, twiddle your fingers and do the countings!
Why not just take a moment and think back...
When you first stepped into class 106...till the moment you read my blog now...
You wouldn't dream of this prodigious day come true, would you?
But it is happening right now!
10 years of legend has unveiled.
Clasp your fist and execute an UPPERCUT blow into the air to exalt this remarkable brotherhood!This picture above is the hallmark of our friendship.
Believe me, i have this picture framed up on my desk.
It will be a priceless memento in many many years to come...
Imagine your grandson ask you: "Gong Gong, how was your secondary school friends like?"
*Cough Cough...
"Nah, there you see...AHYA~ we all dua bastard one la..."
Somehow, I got this nutty or stupid or childish (whatever you call it) idea...
One of these days before the end of this year, we shall all go back to BPGHS (the same place, same people, same position, same post) and snap a similar photo as the one above.
So what you guys think?
On bo~?
“其实。。。我是真的很爱你们的。。。”- New Year's Eve cry...
[For more infomation, ask JunJie. Recorded Live Video available.]
Posted by
Neo Wei Yi Clement
01 October 2007
Odyssey of Life
Sometimes we just wished that we can go back in time.
Back to the time when we can change things or start things all over again.
Unfortunately, we do not have the luxury of doing so.
We can only grow older.
Time sails. Time flies.
Here today, gone tomorrow.
I really do miss those days when i was a kid...
Remember those good old days...
~When we had our game of marbles at our primary school's backyard.
~Polishing those 'exquisite' silver and chromatic coloured marbles in class.
~When i tore my shoes over the game of 'Pepsi Cola'.
~Jumping from one sit-up plank to another, in the game of 'Crocodile'.
~The renowned game of 'Block Catching' after school, where i hid in my friend's house.
~Burn Laterns during Mid-Autumn Festival.
~Puffing bubble-like balloons using a small yellow straw. Comes along with a tube of gluey-gummy-like paste. (Cost around 5-10 cents, don't know whether they still sell them now?)
~Saturday evening WWF (Hulk Hogan, Diesel, Razor Ramon, Bret Hart, Roddy Piper, The Undertaker & Paul Bearer, Shawn Michaels...)
~Also saturday 6pm(if i am not wrong), my favourite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
~Then we also have all the wonderful cartoons. Captain Planet, G.I. Joe, TailSpin, Batman, Spiderman, Pinky and the Brain, Popeye the Sailor, Tom & Jerry...etc
~Not forgetting those wacky gadgets!! We have Digimon and the Tamagotchi! Where we have to cut off a small rectangular piece of plastic film from the back cover of our school file, just to execute the cheat codes to spawn our ultimate Teddymon/Slugmon...
Gone are those days...
then come another chapter...
~My Pink IC turns fucking green.
~SBO, Helmet and Fullpack became my best friends.
~I had a wife name M16. Clean her from day to night, hug her even when i am asleep.
~My favourite cosmetics were the black and green camo creams. Fuck.
~Where there is no end to toilet cleaning. (It will never be clean)
~Forced to remove fucking pubic hairs from the fucking choked urinals with my fucking bare hands.
~Mosquito bites over my ass even when i shit.
~Dig foxholes that were worse than digging my own grave.
~"Chao Jibuy", "LanJiao", "Kan Ni Na", "Fuck" were just formalities of greetings.
~Bo Dai Bo Chi change Smart 4 to Long 4 to Admin Attire to PT Attire to FBO to Civilian Attire like nobody's business! (Yes, we still have change parade now!)
~ SOC, IPPT, Range are premium 'annuities' to our life.
~Wild boars drank my '100 plus' - my only source of luxury outfield.
~Everything summed up in 2 words - Fucked up.
Got my Pink IC back!
Chapter - Present Day...
~Snoozed my alarm clock for the 10th time.
~Wake up. LATE!
~Fucking Bus 179. (Feels like dispatching captives to concentration camps)
~Lecture. LATE
~Tutorial. Copy answer.
~Eat (Can't even have a proper meal - Canteen packed like Hungry Ghost Festival)
~Tests. Fail.
~Exam. Panic. 'Tabao'
~GPA 2.1. Sibei Buay Gan.
what's next?? Ahya~
Our lives go on as the chapter continues...
In life, there are times when we smile, cry (Chinese get B3??), laugh, 'stone'...and there are some things that we chose to forget.Life is like a journey. A journey through wonders.
From birth, the only thing that we know for certain is death.
Seperating birth and death is a boulevard of dreams.
Along this road, we will meet Fate-Lady Luck, Karma-Miracles, Love-Hate, Joy-Grief, Peace-Suffering...and many more others yet to come.
Setbacks are inevitable, it is the wisdom that we gained from these lessons that make us rich.
As the saying goes “潮起有潮落”, there are times when things don't go our way, but we have to move on, and hope for the better - which is yet to come.
Life is short.
Make the best out of it and i will see you at the end...smiling.
"也会怕有一天会跌倒。。。” - 海阔天空
Posted by
Neo Wei Yi Clement