30 June 2007

Reminiscence - Part1B

1998 BPGHS Secondary 106:

One fine day after school.
The usual people.
No need to mention who.
We are out to teach the KB(Kaobei) Gang of girls in our class a lesson.
Tilt their chairs 45 degrees.
Pour water onto the tilted chairs.
Throw rubbish and chalk powder onto their desks and water-filled chairs.
The "maiden ships"(paper boats) "set sail" on the water-filled chairs.
They never made it to the next morning.
They sunk.

Next morning during first lesson (Math).
The victims witnessed the "disaster".
Lao Poh/Zookeeper (Mrs Poh - our math teacher) reported it to the discipline master.
Instead vice-principal (Mrs Low) came to our class.
She demanded the culprits to stand up and admit.
None admitted. (WAIT LONG LONG LA)
Till today i think she really believed that no one from our class did it!
She told Lao Poh that maybe workers from outside came into our class and did it!
(Outside people where got so boliao and childish! Come on la, so obvious!)
In the end someone from our class bao toh to Dulan Soh (Mrs Doreen Soh - our form teacher).
Till today i still don't know who is the bao toh gia!
Culprits caught.
The usual people again.

One fine day.
I remembered clearly that me and YongXian were the masterminds.
Still got a few more people.
Should be the usual people again.
Buay song Joanne.
Smeared 'TimeOut" chocolate all over her desk.
Got caught.
Went to see Tarnat Soon/Tiger (Mr Tan - Discipline Master).
Quite lucky that we did not get any punishments.
We were instructed to clear up the mess and apologise to Joanne.
We had the last laugh.

During secondary 1 english lessons.
Students were instructed to do a brief Book Review on a small piece of coloured paper.
Cut it into your desired shape and paste it on the board at the back of our classroom.
Somehow or rather
Someone wrote a "fuck" on PeiWon's Book Review.
I swear it wasn't me.
And neither was the usual people.
But someone saw who did it (i forget who is that person).
Miss Ng (English Teacher) was very furious.
Really damn angry.
"Do you all know what's the meaning of FUCK?" she screamed.
"Of course i know la!" (i thought and laughed in my heart)
And of course we know who was the culprit also.
But all of us kept quiet.
None admitted.
Miss Ng let the matter rest.
But its not over yet Haw Yng.

~Miss Lua, Miss Norizan and Frau Sheela~
Miss Lua and Miss Norizan came as relief teachers.
(I think if i am not wrong, Mrs Doreen Soh broke her arm and Mrs Deline Soh went on Maternity Leave)

  • Miss Lua
    Young and beautiful.
    So naturally all the guys were excited.
    Especially Haw Yng.
    He purposely dropped his pen/eraser (forgot what the fuck he dropped la) on the floor in front of him.
    Asked Miss Lua to help him pick it up.
    She really did.
    She bent down and picked it up.
    I guess i don't have to describe further on what Haw Yng saw.
    Can't believe there is someone more fuck than me.
    And that Miss Lua also damn blur enough.
    After a few weeks, she left school.
    Heard she went to Chicago for further studies.
  • Miss Norizan
    Fat, not young and not beautiful.
    Actually i am not sure whether i spelled her name correctly.
    I only remembered her for 2 incidents:
    1. She sprained her ankle and came to class with a bandage on her ankle. (Sibei OBI!)
    2. She stripped off Gimson's councillor's badge and confiscated it. (Relief teacher only act so Hiong for what?)
  • Frau Sheela
    She was our german language teacher.
    Remembered her because she always dua kaobei Liu (ZhiPeng) until buay tahan.
    Because Liu always never do german homework.
    And we used to joke that she and Jurgen Klinsmann had an affair.
    That she went over to USA and 跟Klinsmann一起卖面包.


I know what you did to PeiWon's Book Review, WeiJie's MAGIC cards and the $88 Ang Bao!!

"...她要去Chicago找Dennis Rodman, imagine 她跟Rodman dua..."

27 June 2007

Reminiscence - Part1A

1998 BPGHS Secondary 106:

~First day of secondary school~
First day in BPGHS.
I am the last student to walk into my class 106.
Whole class was empty.
On the table was a pile of report books.
I placed mine on the top most.
And i walked off.

Sometime later (on that same day)...
Don't really remembered what happened.
Cheong Jun Jie and Joanne ended up leading our class cheers.
ZhiQing and Albert were the 2 councillors in charge of our class.
Don't really give a fuck about cheering.
Wondered why Cheong and Joanne were so enthusiastic?
Cheer until the whole face full of sweat.
What a joke!
I was in one corner of the group, talking to my new friends.
They were Soh KaiJie and Liu ZhiPeng.
We shared something in common, all 3 of us live in Woodlands.
Liu looked a little 'strange' at first impression.
Wondered whether he is really a GAY?
KaiJie got the same feeling as i did.
Quite worried and scared.

~Orientation Camp~
Waiting for food.
Everyone sat on the benches with a cup of orange juice each.
Accidentally spilled Tan Wee Lin's cup of juice.
He buay song kao bei me.
I also sibei buay song him.
First of the many confrontations.

Can't remember on which night of the camp.
Lights out.
But all still awake.
Searched the classroom desks and found a secondary 2 science textbook.
Flipped to the chapter on 'Sex and Reproduction'.
The story of 'Crispy' was born.
Thanks to me and...(forget who is the other person)
Everyone laughed like hell.

Wanted to go to the loo.
Stood up and accidentally stepped on something.
Too dark in the classroom can't see.
So heck care.

Later in the night.
Instructor went on a routine check.
Opened our classroom door.
He gave a gentle nudge on Gimson's feet to test whether he was asleep.
"Jibye la, 不要玩了啦!"
The instructor gave Gimson the marching orders out of the classroom.
Reprimanded Gimson.
Gimson explained that he thought it was ChongMing disturbing him.
(ChongMing was sleeping beside Gimson)
Back in the classroom, we laughed.
And we slept.

Next morning i woke up.
I saw a pair of crushed spectacles beside my sleeping area.
I realised that it was my fault.
Apologised to YongXian.


A good start promises more to come...

"happily, he inserted it inside. Then BOOM!! He realised that it was the wrong hole!" - 'Crispy'

25 June 2007


What is friend?

  • Someone that you know and like, and enjoy spending your time with.

I guess everyone i know falls under that category, so i can jolly well say that everyone is my friend.


So how do you really define friend? Someone whom you have just met yesterday; someone that you met online; the briefest of acquaintances; or even your friend's friend, we will often call them 'friend'.

Too superficial.

The word 'friend' has been used too extensively that it lost its genuine significance. Of course there are several degrees of friendship, but how are you going to classify them? So when it comes to identifying true friends, we often hear stuffs like:

  1. True friends share equally one another’s surplus
  2. True friends always come to the aid of one another - materially, emotionally and spiritually
  3. True friends know that they can rely and trust one another
  4. True friends will make every kind of sacrifice to help one another
  5. True friends never betray a confidence.
  6. True friends defend and protect one another
  7. True friends always know where one another is or is going

and many other more...

Honestly, I don't really give a fuck.(i actually copied the 7 points from some webby)

No doubt, those points are absolutely true, i totally agree to them. But in reality, if you ever find a friend that fulfills ALL those points, then that friend is most likely a Friend in Disguise.


Nowadays, we don't actually have friends, those friends were de facto "friends of common interests".


Face the reality.

On the contrary, your best friend may fulfill only 2 or 3 of those points, he may be a brat/jackass/bastard/fucker, but yet, he is still your best friend.


I believe every friend is special to each individual in an exceptional way. Only you yourself know it , you can feel it. With just a twitch of the eye; a gentle smile or a tap on the shoulder, conveys the message.

True friends are spelled out in the heart.

Not the mouth.

"The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail and not his tongue!"

The next time before i acknowledge someone "friend", i shall think again, maybe he is just an ex-classmate...MAYBE LAAAAAAA!

垃圾车(朋友版) - 五月天




"Red Sun" (紅日)

Inspiring and Motivating...
This old song 红日, sung by 李克勤 in 1992, was his 成名曲.
My favourite song from 李克勤.
Till today it is still widely considered as the prime "feel-good" song in Hong Kong.
Think most of you guys out there should have heard it before during your childhood days, if not try listening to it again, i am sure it sounds familiar.

Inspiring lyrics.
Brilliant music.

those were the good old days when canto-pop was blooming...

16 June 2007

红日 - 李克勤



14 June 2007


Warning: The following post includes adult content and explicit language.

Next time when you use some words that may be commonly used or heard, take a second thought. Do you actually know the meaning of these words? Or you just use it because it is too frequently used in a manner that it becomes a "natural" part of your conversation? Well, some may sound "normal" and "harmless", but if you take a closer look into each word, they may indeed be extremely offending and provocative (although some have no meanings).

"Buay Gan" (Offensive)

  • Buay=cannot, Gan=fuck. "Cannot fuck"/impotent

"Buay Tahan" (Extreme)

  • Buay=cannot, Tahan(malay)=resist/control.

"Buay Hu" (Normal)

  • Buay=cannot, Hu=rush for time.
"Bo La Sa" (Normal)
  • No meaning. Cannot Explain.
"Jiak Gao Lan" (Extremely Offensive)
  • Jiak=eat, Gao=dog, Lan=penis. "Eat dog's penis"
"Um Jiak Lan" (Extremely Offensive)
  • Um= don't, Jiak=eat, Lan=penis.
"Gan Phua" (Extreme)
  • Gan=fuck, Phua=broken/torned.
"Bo Dui Pi" (Normal)
  • Bo=not/don't, Dui Pi=sane/normal
"Gan Ni Na" (Extremely Offensive and Provocative)
  • Gan=fuck, Ni=your, Na=mother

For example:
"Wa, 他妈的!你看那个Sergeant Hiong,什么都不会做,只会在那里Khoon, 真的是Sibei Buay Gan!"
"Wa 他的房间真的是热到Buay Tahan la! 打麻将都打到全身都是汗!"
"Ahya, 你不要以为他很Hiong, 一直讲要打人,真正打的时候他都跑到 Buay Hu!"
"Haha! Obi! 你看他踩到香蕉皮,Bua Toh Bua Ga Bo La Sa!"
"Wa Lau ehhh, 你 Jiak Gao Lan laaa, 欠我$100, 到现在一年了还不要还!"
"Wa 你做人真的做到 Um Jiak Lan, 连自己的朋友都要molest!"
"Wa 他真的是 Gan Phua childish la!"
"他这个人有一点 Bo Dui Pi, siao 的, Bo Dai Bo Ji 一直讲自己depression, 说要跳楼!"
"Wa Gan Ni Na laaaa, 你有molest就讲有啦!不要跟我讲MAYBE!"

think twice before you speak...

This post contains adult content and explicit language. It is intended only for closed discussion at the said blogger’s discretion. All characters/names appearing in this post are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The said blogger accepts no liability or whatsoever responsibililty in doing so.

13 June 2007


Favourite Music:
Creedence Clearwater Revival, Bee Gees, The Beatles, Elton John, Eagles, Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Bread, The Carpenters, Beyond, 许冠杰, 小虎队, 张国荣, 李克勤, 王杰,
邓丽君, 草蜢, 陳百強.

"Ahyo, i think you are living in the wrong era!"
"Wa, all these songs so old already!"
"Siao gia! Thia simi lao gua la!" (Hokkien)

Usually i will just shrug my shoulders and say:

“我也不懂,老歌好听 maa。”

or when i am more enthusiastic

“Siao!!! 老歌才好听lor!”

Remember the days when my parents always play those Oldies over the audio player.
When i was young, i can't be bothered to find out anything about songs.
But somehow, the tunes and rhythms of the songs will ooze into my soul naturally.
Then, many many years later...

“Eh! 这首歌很熟悉!”
“Eh?? 这首不是那个谁唱的lor...eh.....”

When i finally figured it out,

“Ahhhhhhhh!! 这首!Hahaha...wa sibei 老的歌lor...那个时候我还在..."

For a moment, i stood there, reminiscing.
Music is wonderful.
It brings back memories.
It was, in retrospect, the happiest day of my life...(or maybe not)

I am sure everyone has a particular song that brings back memories.
Keep that in mind.

Cause one day,
that song is gonna be an Oldie

12 June 2007

First Time

What a way to start off my own blog (or maybe not).
Anyway, i can't really think of what to post, so for those of you who don't know, that's my favourite song from Beyond. 真的爱你, the song dedicated to all mothers in the world.

Not really into blogging, but i am just here to try it out.
Sometimes i wonder why people have so much things to write in their blog.
I guess their lives are blessed with so much fruitful events.
Anyway i don't think people will visit my blog, if there are, they can only be my 206'99 friends.
6 of them to be exact.
And i think we are all more interested in someone else's blog now (after he recovered his damaged blog). HA!

For the moment, i am too insignificant

it's just another blog,
another blue day...

真的爱你 - Beyond


