'Accept' and 'tolerate' may be two different words, but when they are used in a certain context, we may see that they are actually quite closely related. But yet again they are not similar, just separated by a thin line.
I used to think that 'accept' and 'tolerate' are more or less the same.
Often in our daily lives, when we are dealing with people, a certain level of tolerance will be accompanied by acceptance, likewise, to a certain level of acceptance, there is surely tolerance involved. Sounds more like a paradox. It is like saying that "standing is more tiring than walking", but aren't we also standing when we are walking?
(Hmm...fuck la.)
Go by the conventional way.
Check dictionary.
-to accommodate or reconcile oneself to.
-to regard as true or sound.
-to regard as normal, suitable, or usual.
-to bear or endure without repugnance; put up with.
-put up with something or somebody unpleasant.
So there is actually a big difference. The most crucial point to note is that there is actually a level of forced 'Tahan' involved in tolerance. And that Buay Tahan results from some Buay Song (discontentment/displeasure/anguish) which one is forced to endure or bear! So it means that one is compelled, constrained, or obliged to accept under some circumstances. Whereas to accept means that to bring yourself to an agreement or harmony willingly. There is no endurance or bearing involved, basically 'living with it'.
So when it comes to friendship:
Sometimes i wonder whether i am tolerating or i just merely accepted it. You may have realised that some people are just damned bastard/fucked up, everything he does and says just don't come in agreement with you, but still
Why do you still treat him as a friend?
Why do you still want to offer your help?
Why do you still want to talk to him?
Are you actually tolerating him or you have accepted him for what he is? Think think....sometimes i think it is because you have known that person for a long time (let's say 9 years), because of that you have already accepted him for who he is. Whereas if he is a someone new, then 他早就被打死了! If you have already accepted him, then just let him be and let it be. But if you are still tolerating a 'friend' of yours, then i think that's unhealthy to the friendship, as you are actually jeopardising the goodwill of your friendship.
How long can you tolerate?
One day everything is going to erupt. Do something about it. "Before he ends up behind the bars".
When it comes to relationship:
这个世界什么种人都有. Everyone is different.
This is the reason why people get together.
Sometimes we will hear our friends or people around us making comments like:
"Wa 那个男人这么haolian, 脾气又很坏,不知道为什么那个女人会喜欢他?"
"Wa 他这个人这么childish, 不懂为什么那个女人会跟他在一起?"
"Wa 他这么瘦又矮,而且又不handsome, 不知道为什么他的女朋友会喜欢他?"
"Ahyo 她才16岁,这么childish, 不知道他为什么喜欢她?"
"Hai 她一点都不漂亮lor,身材又cui, 人品又不好,为什么你会要跟她在一起?"
...and many more comments.
Sometimes we will wonder why this person so 'this' and 'that' and why people still like him/her. Well, i think i already have the answer above. It's because everyone is different.
Think about it. If everyone is the same and thinks alike, then it will be very terrible isn't it?
But we all know that it is not the case.
I am sure that there are girls out there who can accept guys who are egocentric; selfish; insensitive; lazy; immature...etc.
It all comes back to whether you can accept your partner for who he/she is.
And bear in mind that accepting means to live with it.
Can you live with his untidiness; his fury temper; his laziness; his insensitiveness; his stubborn character...etc?
Some people often say that: " I will try to tolerate and give in to him/her."
Well, how long can you tolerate? 10 years or 20 years?
How are you going to tolerate someone who is going to sleep beside you for the rest of your life?
Tolerance does not makes the relationship goes stronger. Instead i think it widens the gap between you and your partner, until it reaches a stage where the gap is too huge to bridge.
Too late.
Relationship is about bringing two people of two different lives together. Through the process of building a relationship, it involves accepting your partner's life into your life.
Two different lives growing into one.
The process is long.
Some may take 2years, 5 years,10 years or even more.
Some even never!
Then i think that's what i call destiny.
It's not meant to be.
Don't walk in front of me, don't walk behind me, i want you to walk beside me...
“要不是因为我们跟他是9年的朋友,不然的话,如果是外面不认识的人,早就Dua Buay Song打他了!”BAH!
04 July 2007
Accept or Tolerate?
Posted by
Neo Wei Yi Clement
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as stan and i like to comment...
it's a matter of perspective.
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.
wah hiong lehhhh
lack love issittttt
eagle-nose. mai siao siao hor
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